Souce: TM internet services disruption
To load your Facebook faster, you can use another Malaysia ISP ip address instead of the default USA ISP IP address.
P.S. For other country, please refer to your local ISP provider
Follow the steps below for faster Facebook loading speed:
1. Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\
2. Open "hosts" file with notepad (right click>open with/open>notepad)make sure you have turn UAC off before you open it
3. Add at the last row in notepad.
4. Save.
5. Restart your browser.
6. Sign in
7. Enjoy the superfast loading speed of!
To test your loading speed, follow the steps below:
1. Click Start > Type cmd in the search box to load the Command Prompt
5. Restart your browser.
6. Sign in
7. Enjoy the superfast loading speed of!
To test your loading speed, follow the steps below:
1. Click Start > Type cmd in the search box to load the Command Prompt
2. Type ping -t and press enter
3. You can see the time with unit of ms = milliseconds. Before that was ~400ms, it mean your facebook loading speed is very slow. After put the IP address, you will see ~50ms, it mean your internet spend 50ms to transfer the data from facebook server to your computer.

Before tweak Host file, you can see the speed is about 400ms:

After the Host file was tweaked, the speed was faster and improved by about 80%!

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